Conjugation of verb avoir by tenses

Cov txheej txheem:

Conjugation of verb avoir by tenses
Conjugation of verb avoir by tenses

Cov neeg kawm lus Fab Kis tau ntsib nrog qhov xav tau los nco txog ntau yam lus, lawv qhov kawg thiab lub sijhawm. Ib qho ntawm feem ntau siv yog ib tug neeg sawv cev ntawm 3rd pab pawg neeg avoir. Paub txog nws qhov kev sib txuas yog tsim nyog, vim hais tias, thawj zaug, nws yog siv nyob rau hauv ntau ruaj khov lem, thiab thib ob, nws yog ib tug pab qhia lus rau kev tsim ntawm ob peb daim ntawv ib ntus.

Meaning of verb

Nws lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb yog "muaj, muaj qee yam"

  • As-tu un chat? - Koj puas muaj miv?
  • Cet enfant a beaucoup de jouets. - Tus menyuam no (muaj) ntau yam khoom ua si.
Fabkis verb conjugation avoir
Fabkis verb conjugation avoir

Nyob hauv lub ntsiab lus no, nws zoo ib yam li lus Askiv muaj. Hauv kev txhais lus, lo lus "yog" feem ntau raug tshem tawm.

Lwm lub ntsiab lus yog "kom tau, muaj qee yam"

J'aimerais avoir un colier d'or. - Kuv xav tau ib lub caj dab kub

Kev sib txuas ntawm cov lus qhia avoir nyob rau hauv qhov taw qhia thiab xwm txheej-subjunctive moods

Cia peb xav txog yuav ua li cas cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov lus qhia hloov pauv hauv lub sijhawm tam sim no (Tam sim no), tsis tiav yav dhau los (Imparfait), yav tom ntej yooj yim (Futur Simple), yav dhau los complex (Passé composé), thiab nyob rau hauv cov xwm txheej (Conditionnel) thiab subjunctive (Subjonctif) inclinations.

conjugation ntawm Fabkis verb avoir
conjugation ntawm Fabkis verb avoir

Nyob rau hauv Present de l'indicatif, kev sib txuas ntawm Fabkis verb avoir yuav tsum nco ntsoov. Txoj hauj lwm yog yooj yim los ntawm qhov tseeb tias nyob rau hauv yuav luag tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv, tshwj tsis yog rau tus thib 3 tus neeg plural, muaj ib tug thawj vowel ntawm lub infinitive, thiab lub pronunciation ntawm tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv raws li txoj cai. Hauv Imparfait, cov qauv hauv qab no yog taug qab: ob tsab ntawv pib (-av) raug coj los ntawm qhov tsis muaj tseeb, cov lus xaus pib nrog -ai (-ais, -ais, -ait, -aient) txuas rau lawv, thiab cov suab. -i (-ions, - iez).

Nyob rau hauv Futur, kev sib txuas ntawm cov lus qhia avoir yog tus cwj pwm los ntawm lub xub ntiag ntawm tsab ntawv consonant -r ua ntej kawg, thaum lub qia hloov mus rau -aur. Saib ze ntawm lub rooj, koj tuaj yeem pom tias qhov xaus hauv Futur Yooj Yim yog zoo ib yam rau qhov xaus hauv Present, tsuas yog cov hauv paus hloov pauv.

Nyob rau lub sijhawm tam sim no (Présent du conditionnel) lub qia yog tib yam li yav tom ntej yooj yim (-aur), thiab qhov xaus yog tib yam li Imparfait. Nyob rau hauv tam sim no subjunctive (Présent du subjonctif), unpronounceable endings yog preceded los ntawm lub qia -ai (rau 1, 2, 3 tus neeg lus thiab 3 tus neeg plural), thiab -ay yog siv ua ntej hais lus xaus (rau 2 thiab 3 tus neeg plural).

conjugation ntawm verb avoir
conjugation ntawm verb avoir

Kawg, PasséComposé, yam tsis muaj qhov ncauj qhov ncauj lossis cov lus sau ntawm Fabkis tuaj yeem ua tau, yuav tsum muaj kev koom tes ntawm ob qho lus tseem ceeb hauv daim ntawv ntawm kev koom nrog yav dhau los, thiab cov lus qhia copula auxiliary. Nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm avoir, koj yuav tsum tau siv cov lus qhia no ob zaug: ua ntej ua tus pab (cov ntaub ntawv yuav phim rau tam sim no conjugation), ces nws participle eu.

Siv cov lus qhia ua tus pab

txhawm rau tsim Passé Composé, koj yuav tsum paub tam sim no tense conjugation ntawm verb avoir. Nws yog rau nws (tsawg zaus rau être) uas koom nrog cov lus qhia semantic yuav txuas nrog. Daim duab qhia tias Passé Composé tsim li cas. Cov koom haum xav tau rau kev sib txuas tuaj yeem pom hauv phau ntawv txhais lus thiab cov ntawv siv. Rau cov lus qhia tsis tu ncua ntawm pawg 1 thiab 2, nws yog qhov txaus tsuas yog muab pov tseg qhov kawg consonant -r los ntawm qhov infinitive, thiab hauv thawj pab pawg, ntxiv rau muab lub suab aigu (é) icon hla lub suab kawg -e.

Piv txwv: parler – j'ai parlé (1 pab pawg); rougir - tu as rougi (pab pawg 2); être - elle aété; mettre - nous avons mis (pawg 3), thiab lwm yam

kab lus ruaj khov

Cov neeg kawm Fabkis yuav xav tau kev sib txuas ntawm cov lus qhia avoir los ntxiv lawv cov hnab nqa taug kev. Hauv cov kab lus hauv qab no uas tau nthuav tawm hauv lub rooj, cov npe tsis muaj cov kab lus raug ntxiv rau qhov kev qhia.




mal à (+ lub cev)

honte de

ntxhi de



peur de

tshaib plab thiab nqhis dej raws

kom khov (txog ib tug neeg lossis tsiaj) thiab, hloov pauv, kom hnov tsw

yuav tsum muaj, xav tau ib yam

kev mob hauv qhov chaw tshwj xeeb

txaj muag rau ib yam

xav tau ib yam dab tsi, xav tias muaj qee yam lossis ua ib yam

xav pw tsaug zog

coj qhov chaw (txog qhov xwm txheej)

Rau daim ntawv teev npe no, koj tuaj yeem ntxiv cov kev sib txuas uas siv lub npe nrog cov lus tseeb. Raws li txoj cai, lawv txuas ntxiv los ntawm preposition de thiab infinitive.

  • Avoir le temps - to be in time, kom muaj sij hawm.
  • Avoir l'habitude - kom muaj tus cwj pwm.
  • Avoir la chance - ua tiav.
  • Avoir l'idée - xav, xav.

Cov no thiab lwm yam kev tsim kho yuav ua kom zoo nkauj hais lus thiab sau ntawv, thiab tau kawm txog kev sib txuas ntawm cov lus qhia, lawv yuav yooj yim siv rau txhua qhov xwm txheej.

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