Dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi evaporation ntawm cov kua? Cov xwm txheej cuam tshuam rau cov txheej txheem no

Cov txheej txheem:

Dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi evaporation ntawm cov kua? Cov xwm txheej cuam tshuam rau cov txheej txheem no
Dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi evaporation ntawm cov kua? Cov xwm txheej cuam tshuam rau cov txheej txheem no

Peb txhua tus yeej paub zoo txog qhov tseeb ntawm lub neej txij thaum yau. Yuav kom txias cov tshuaj yej kub, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los ncuav nws mus rau hauv ib lub saucer txias thiab tshuab nws saum npoo rau lub sijhawm ntev. Thaum koj muaj rau lossis xya xyoo, koj tsis xav txog cov cai ntawm physics, koj tsuas yog coj lawv los yog, ntawm lub cev, koj coj lawv los ua axiom. Txawm li cas los xij, thaum peb kawm txog kev tshawb fawb dhau sijhawm, peb pom qhov zoo sib xws ntawm axioms thiab cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj zoo ib yam, txhais tau zoo ntawm peb cov kev xav thaum yau mus rau cov neeg laus theorems. Tib yam mus rau cov tshuaj yej kub. Tsis muaj leej twg ntawm peb tuaj yeem xav txog tias txoj kev ua kom txias no yog cuam tshuam ncaj qha rau cov kua evaporation.

dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua
dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua

Physics ntawm txheej txheem

Yuav kom teb cov lus nug ntawm dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog kom nkag siab txog lub cev ntawm cov txheej txheem. Evaporation yog txheej txheem ntawm kev hloov pauv ntawm cov khoom los ntawm cov kua hauv lub xeev ntawm kev sib sau mus rau lub xeev gaseous. Txhua yam khoom ua kua tuaj yeem evaporate, nrog rau cov kua nplaum heev. Nyob rau hauv tsosthiab koj tsis tuaj yeem hais tias qee yam jelly-zoo li slurry tuaj yeem poob ib feem ntawm nws cov huab hwm coj vim evaporation, tab sis nyob rau hauv qee qhov xwm txheej no yog qhov tshwm sim. Cov khoom tseem tuaj yeem evaporate, tsuas yog cov txheej txheem no hu ua sublimation.

Yuav ua li cas

Pib los txiav txim seb tus nqi ntawm cov evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob li cas, ib qho yuav tsum pib los ntawm qhov tseeb tias qhov no yog txheej txheem endothermic, uas yog, txheej txheem uas tshwm sim nrog kev nqus cua sov. Thaum tshav kub kub ntawm theem kev hloov pauv (kub ntawm evaporation) hloov lub zog mus rau lub molecules ntawm ib yam khoom, ua rau lawv ceev thiab ua rau kom muaj feem ntawm lawv sib cais, thaum tsis muaj zog ntawm molecular cohesion. Kev rhuav tshem ntawm cov khoom ntau, cov molecules ceev tshaj plaws tawg tawm ntawm nws cov ciam teb, thiab cov khoom poob nws qhov loj. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, cov kua molecules ejected tam sim ntawd boil, nqa tawm cov txheej txheem ntawm kev hloov pauv thaum sib cais, thiab lawv tawm yog twb nyob rau hauv lub gaseous xeev.

dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua piv txwv
dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua piv txwv

Daim ntawv thov

Nkag siab txog cov laj thawj uas tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob ntawm, nws muaj peev xwm tswj hwm cov txheej txheem thev naus laus zis uas tshwm sim raws li lawv lub hauv paus. Piv txwv li, kev khiav hauj lwm ntawm lub tshuab cua txias, nyob rau hauv lub tshav kub exchanger-evaporator uas cov tub yees boils, noj cua sov los ntawm lub txias chav tsev, los yog boiling dej nyob rau hauv cov kav dej ntawm ib tug industrial boiler, lub tshav kub ntawm uas yog pauv mus rau lub boiler. xav tau cua sov thiab dej kub. Kev nkag siab txog cov xwm txheej uas tus nqi ntawm cov evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob ntawm qhov muab lub sijhawm los tsim thiab tsim cov cuab yeej siv niaj hnub thiab thev naus laus zis ntawm qhov loj me thiab muaj qhov sib npaug ntxiv. Hloov pauv cua sov.


Lub xeev ntawm kev sib sau ua ke tsis ruaj khov heev. Nrog peb lub ntiaj teb n. y. (lub tswv yim ntawm "ib txwm xwm txheej", piv txwv li tsim nyog rau tib neeg lub neej), nws nquag txav mus rau hauv ib qho khoom los yog gaseous theem. Qhov no tshwm sim li cas? Dab tsi txiav txim siab tus nqi evaporation ntawm cov kua?

Qhov kev ntsuas tseem ceeb yog, tau kawg, qhov kub thiab txias. Qhov ntau peb sov cov kua, ntau lub zog peb coj mus rau lub molecules ntawm cov khoom, ntau molecular bonds peb tawg, lub ceev cov theem ntawm kev hloov mus. Apotheosis tau ua tiav nrog qhov tsis tu ncua nucleate boil. Dej boils ntawm 100 ° C ntawm atmospheric siab. Qhov saum npoo ntawm lub lauj kaub los yog, piv txwv li, lub lauj kaub, qhov twg nws boils, tsuas yog thaum xub thawj siab ib muag zoo kawg nkaus du. Nrog rau ntau qhov kev nce hauv daim duab, peb yuav pom qhov tsis muaj qhov kawg ntawm lub ncov, zoo li hauv roob. Thaum tshav kub kub yog muab pointwise rau txhua qhov ntawm cov peaks, thiab vim yog lub tshav kub pauv me me, dej tam sim ntawd boils, tsim ib lub npuas npuas uas nce mus rau saum npoo, qhov twg nws tawg. Yog vim li cas xws li boiling yog hu ua bubbly. Tus nqi dej evaporation yog siab tshaj.

ntawm qhov xwm txheej twg tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob ntawm seb
ntawm qhov xwm txheej twg tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob ntawm seb


Qhov thib ob qhov tseem ceeb, uas tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua nyob ntawm, yog siab. Thaum lub siab poob qis hauv qab atmospheric, dej pib boil thaum qis dua. Kev ua hauj lwm ntawm lub npe nrov siab cookers yog raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus no - tshwj xeeb lauj kaub, los ntawm qhov chaw uas huab cua twb pumped tawm, thiab cov dej boiled twb nyob rau ntawm 70-80 ºС. Qhov nce hauv siab, ntawm qhov tod tes,nce qhov boiling point. Cov cuab yeej tseem ceeb no yog siv thaum muab cov dej superheated los ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob thermal mus rau lub hauv paus cua sov thiab ITP, qhov twg, txhawm rau tswj lub peev xwm ntawm cov cua sov hloov mus, dej yog rhaub rau qhov kub ntawm 150-180 degrees, thaum nws yog ib qho tsim nyog kom tshem tawm. muaj peev xwm boiling nyob rau hauv cov kav dej.

Lwm yam

Intensive blowing of the surface of the liquid with a temperature high than the temperature of the access airjet is another Factors uas txiav txim siab tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua. Piv txwv ntawm qhov no tuaj yeem coj los ntawm lub neej niaj hnub. Tshuab saum npoo ntawm lub pas dej nrog cua, los yog piv txwv nrog uas peb pib zaj dab neeg: tshuab kub tshuaj yej ncuav rau hauv saucer. Nws cools down vim qhov tseeb hais tias, tawg tawm ntawm tej yam ntawm cov khoom, cov molecules coj ib feem ntawm lub zog nrog lawv, txias nws. Ntawm no koj tuaj yeem pom cov nyhuv ntawm thaj chaw. Lub saucer yog dav dua li lub khob, yog li cov dej ntau tuaj yeem muaj peev xwm khiav tawm ntawm nws cov square.

dab tsi ua rau tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua
dab tsi ua rau tus nqi ntawm evaporation ntawm cov kua

Hom kua nws tus kheej kuj cuam tshuam rau tus nqi evaporation: qee cov kua evaporate sai dua, lwm tus, ntawm qhov tsis sib xws, qeeb dua. Lub xeev ntawm cov huab cua nyob ib puag ncig kuj tseem muaj feem cuam tshuam rau cov txheej txheem evaporation. Yog tias cov ntsiab lus noo noo tsis txaus siab (cov huab cua ntub heev, xws li ze ntawm hiav txwv), cov txheej txheem evaporation yuav qeeb dua.

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